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Old September 24, 2009, 04:14 PM   #17
Senior Member
Join Date: May 9, 2008
Posts: 225
Regarding the magazines, keep in mind that virtually every able-bodied 17-21 year old in Israel, male and female (other than the ultra-orthodox and Arabs) serves in the IDF in some capacity. Most of the soldiers you see strolling around Jerusalem are on their way home on leave (it's a small country and active duty soldiers routinely leave their basis to go home on Shabbat -- Saturday, the Jewish sabath) or going back to base. Soldiers are responsible for their weapons and penalties for a lost or stolen weapon are severe, so soldiers on leave typically carry their weapons everywhere, even when heading out for pizza on a saturday night. Soldiers iin such a situation do not (and aren't permitted to) keep a magazine in their rifle. A soldier on patrol (e.g., the paramilitary Border police patroling the old city) would have a magazine loaded.
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