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Old December 1, 2001, 04:02 PM   #5
Join Date: November 30, 2001
Posts: 36
I agree with all points made so far, but I still think the idea if carefully implemented has merit as part of an incremental and momentum building approach to getting rid of bad laws.

How does the current AW ban apply to legally owned autos? Not at all, I believe. So a simple modification exempting all non fully automatic weapons should have no negative effect on the current legal status of autos. Repealing the NFA would be a different fight.

Funny, when I wrote about backbone I was picturing Lott in my mind (and Hasturd [sp?]). On the positive side, the plan requires only Bush with his veto power and/or a pro-gun coalition in the House of Representatives.

I have not given up on Bush. So far, he is better then his father and even Reagan on the gun issue. For example, both his VP and attorney general picks could not have been much better. Imagine if he had chosen Ms. Dole as VP. :barf:
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