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Old June 28, 2005, 09:25 PM   #6
Garand Illusion
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Join Date: March 4, 2005
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I don't feel a strong need to explain either, but I do enjoy a good debate . So when it does come up (as it inevitably does) my answer is simply ... why wouldn't I?

I start out by saying, "alright ... suppose the anti gun groups are right and we need to get guns out of America. Is that going to happen tomorrow?"

And of course they concede that it can't after some hemming and hawing, admitting it would take years to get the country moving in that direction.

"So ... with the bad guys definitely carrying guns, why wouldn't I want to have that advantage? I've taking training to carry a firearm -- as much as some police officers (I believe that is true, BTW, though it may be stretching it somewhat). I can outshoot many police officers (absolutely true) and I'm a responsible citizen. I carry a safe and modern weapon and you KNOW I'm a level headed guy who's not going to start shooting just because someone cut him off in traffic."

Of course, there will be further arguments, like blood running in the streets and shootings over traffic spots. Some more talking points:
  • Florida has had concealed carry laws for going on 20 years, with nothing but positive results.
  • FBI statistics prove that a victim is not likely to be harmed if they resist an attack with a firearm.
  • When the people sat in that Texas cafeteria before CCW, how many do you suppose said, "Well, we're about to be gunned down in cold blood. But at least I'm not carrying a gun today!"
  • During the nazi purge of the Warsaw ghetto, how many fathers looked at their sons and said "Abraham -- I have no means of protecting you or trying to fight for a breakout. But at least there were no school shootings this year" (note -- the jews in the Warsaw ghetto with just a handful of stolen weapons put up ONE HELL of a good fight)
  • I'm sorry you disagree witth the law. But as long as I'm allowed this level of protection for myself and my family, I WILL have it.

For general anti-gun people who think there's no social value to gun ownership, I tell them the Condoleeza Rice story, and how her father organizesd his black congegration in Alabama to resist the KKK with guns. To me, it's just plain proof that an armed citizenry has clear advantaged from every viewpoint except that of a totalitarian government without popular support.

Look up this story -- I don't have time to write out the particulars. It should be required reading for any RKBA patriot.
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