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Old June 29, 2005, 09:50 AM   #15
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Join Date: November 12, 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
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do you really think that you will need 'that' I know my aunts and cousins will say that exact sentence.
My inlaws said that years ago. I said I hope to hell not and was real casual about it, like I carried a flashlight or something. If you don't make a big thing about it, they prolly wont either. Offered to take them shooting, they declined at first. One by one they went. One by one they had fun and were converted. Now they have a house full of guns.

The key is not ever do anything stupid with a gun around them. No dirty harry jokes or anything. They soon see the man is safe and stop fearing the gun. Oh and to have a .22 or three so when you take them shooting for the first few times, they have fun. Let them ask to shoot the hoglegs, don't push anything on them. Patience. Don't pull out too many guns at once at the range so thet don't feel overwhelmed or surrounded by guns. Patience.

The MIL was absolutely paranoid at first. Few years down the road, she asked to borrow one for protection. Yep. Few more years she got her own and sees them as just another piece of outdoor equipment like a fishing pole that can also be used for protection.

It worked for me. YMMV.
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