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Old July 20, 2009, 12:02 PM   #19
Doc Intrepid
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Join Date: May 22, 2009
Location: Washington State
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As crow is eaten and a chorus of "mea culpa's" rises, it remains a valid point that if you are going to carry concealed, then it is the responsibility of the carrier to ensure the firearm is truly concealed.

Because people CAN get real edgy these days.

It's also helpful to remember that not every civilian shares the same "perspective".

I was in line at a fast food restaurant once (not armed) when a high little child's voice piped up "Mommy, that man has a gun". A gentleman in a sportcoat and tie was standing in line. The little person in question was perhaps under 2' tall, perhaps 2 or 3 years old, and standing next to the man. Apparently the little person could see up beneath the sportcoat, from his unique perspective, and spotted the gun on the belt. As kids do, he kept repeating his assertion over and over, much to the embarrassment of the CCW holder and the child's mother. It didn't cause much consternation among the other adults, but under different circumstances it might have.

I've remembered that episode, and its one reason why I carry using an IWB holster rather than an outside-the-waistband option.

(Not that I spend that much time standing in line next to little people,... )

But IF its a concealed carry state, one of the main CCW responsibilities is to ensure your piece is truly concealed.....

Treat everyone you meet with dignity and respect....but have a plan to kill them just in case.
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