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Old December 14, 2005, 08:11 PM   #15
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Florida really started it, and it started because of two things:
The high Florida crime rate caused by the liberal courts, especially the Florida Supreme court, refusing to actually lock criminals up, and KEEP them locked up.

And, the Florida Concealed gun laws.

When crime started getting out of hand, a lot of people decided to take advantage of the Florida provision in State law that allowed the issuing of concealed guns permits.

However, what people soon learned was, there really WAS no true conceal carry in Florida.

In most of Florida the law was administered like most concealed laws were then: A concealed permit was a political party favor for "special" people.

If you were very wealthy, a big contributor to political campaigns, were politically active in the Democratic party, or had some other kind of "pull", you could get a permit.

If you were just some slob in off the street, "Forget it".

In some counties, reasonable officials handed out permits to most anybody, and in other counties only those "Special People" got them.

People soon realized this fact, and were angry that the law allowed the issue of permits based on nothing but some politicians discretion, and started a grass roots movement to force the issue of permits to any honest citizen that wanted one.

In other words, TRUE Democracy.

People saw that there was a lot of abuse in the "may issue" system, and that there was no real standard in effect.

The Left, the Press (but I repeat myself) and the Trendy Sort that don't like the Great Unwashed daring to make demands of their betters were, of course very against it.

After a lot of political and legal maneuvering, the citizens finally got to decide at the poll's.

In spite of blaring headlines that Florida was going to turn into "Dodge City in Dade" and that little fender-bender accidents would turn into bloody shootouts on the street, the voters were too smart to fall for it.

Since then, EVERY state that's passed Right To Carry laws has had the exact same charges, word for word used, mostly without effect.

People at heart don't like the idea of "Special People" getting little gifts denied to everyone else, and this sort of thing never goes over too well as soon as people find out about it.
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