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Old January 27, 2009, 10:00 PM   #1
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
Posts: 8,462
For those interested in trusts in order to own NFA weapons

If you could consult a professionally licensed attorney and have them set up a trust only for NFA items for $300, would that interest you?

The fee would include a 30 minute consultation to make sure that the trust met your needs and a 30 minute discussion of trust issues and BATF rules and regulations. You would receive what is essentially a form trust for your state that was created with the specific purpose of being used for NFA firearms.

The main advantage over the Quicken Willmaker route would be that you would have 30 minutes with an attorney to discuss the trust and help determine if there were any problems that might affect your choice of a trust. The trust would also be specifically designed around ownership of NFA weapons instead of the more general purpose trusts found in Willmaker (although that difference is probably not very dramatic).

The $300 would cover a straightforward trust with only NFA weapons as property where there weren't any extenuating circumstances. If there were extenuating circumstances that popped up during the 30 minute consultation, you would learn of it then and have the option to walk without paying anything or have something more specific created for your needs (at a higher price though).
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