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Old July 1, 2009, 09:19 AM   #36
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Join Date: June 4, 2007
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In answering the OP's original question... I personally would not cock the pistol. In point of fact all of my SD guns are DA/SA guns and I train a lot with them decocked/DA mode.

As for clearing a house, well we all have had to investigate sounds before. My house has a seasonal issue with possums crawling around and if I called the cops every time I heard something "scritching" around the back door or window, or "testing" the doorknob to the porch, well I'd feel like a complete idiot.


Clearing/checking a house is an extremely dangerous proposition and you should have some kind of general plan in place and rehearsed LONG before you ever try it (even for possums).

The best is having a spouse or significant other ready with the phone in case it all goes bad. You delay and they call. (oh and have a code word that means "everything is really okay". My wife knows if I just say "oh it's okay honey" she should dial 911 immediately 'cause someone might have a gun to my head but if I mention fruit we're in the clear)

Finally, the same rant I post over and over because I think it's really important advice.
Whenever a scenario like this one comes up I feel compelled to mention that this is also one of those classic scenarios where you MUST remember that the perp may not be alone.
Even if you are able to deal with the obvious threat it is critically important to remain alert and aware of your entire surroundings in case the bad guy has backup present (just outside, in a car, or even in another part of the restaurant/club/stop n shop, etc. That's why it's so important to avoid acting too fast. You must assess the ENTIRE situation as much as possible before taking action and you MUST assume that the criminal has partners.
"The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on"
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