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Old December 23, 2005, 11:13 PM   #8
Harley Quinn
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Aspen, Hal is right.

Plus they have to worry about things that go bang.

Here is an alternative get a Chrono. Use a good strong 357 hand gun and shoot loads of 38, based on what the books say today.

Step up the loads a little until you see some signs of pressure, flat primers etc. and check the chrono.

I have the new Lyman book and they speak directly to this issue. Some times pressures get higher but the vel does not. Funny but true. Everything has to be in unison. Short barrel you are only going to blow up the gun before you get enough pressure to make a difference. To much blowing out the front end.

Powders and length of barrel, speed of detonation some powders are slow burners some are fast. The 38 revolver lots of loss with the way the gun is made and the length of barrel...If you look at the 9mm in comparison similar but one is an auto and utilizes the power more proficiently. Plus the grain of bullet. Experiment and you can come up with a pretty good load.

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