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Old September 2, 2008, 02:19 PM   #43
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Join Date: October 19, 2005
Location: Tx Panhandle Territory
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I like talking about firearms, and discussing the pro's, con's, neat facts, and other stuff about mine or one's I've had. But somethings, such as how many and where- I don't think so.

Magazines? Clips? Why isn't there as much arguing over whether a bag is a sack or a poke? There's a strange affection most southerners have with their particular 'speak'. Some of us savor the drawl, accent, selection of words, uniqueness, assimilies, etc. Somebody at least sort of famous once said that southern language should be easy on the ears and roll off the tongue in an easy manner. I only know this one language, it's mine, so I ought to be able to do with it what I wish... even if it comes down to callin a magazine a danged ol' cotton pickin clip. Most folks can eventually figger out what it is I'm speakin of.
Rednecks... Keeping the woods critter-free since March 2, 1836. (TX Independence Day)

I suspect a thing or two... because I've seen a thing or two.
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