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Old October 1, 2005, 04:02 AM   #76
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You crack me up.
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Old October 1, 2005, 10:27 AM   #77
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Whoa......five minutes! Dude!

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Old October 1, 2005, 10:45 AM   #78
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Well, I do live in a bad neighborhood (if you had read some of my other threads about the people across the street) so I guess I'm not your regular "nut job" as you defined it.

Yet, I still can't bring myself to judge others for what they have decided to do for themselves.

I guess in a way I am a "nut job" by your definition though. I have a fire extinguisher in the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, the spare room as well as the bathroom. I also have smoke detectors in each one. I don't have them from being paranoid, more like being prepared just in case.

My primary heat source is a kerosene heater (really old house) so therefore I have carbon monoxide detectors in the areas around the old heater.

I know, I know, your "expert" advise is for me to 1) move and 2) get a new heating system.

Well, I won't move, the house (for what it is) and the property is mine as inheritance so therefore, I won't allow the neighborhood to oust me from what little I own. As for the heat system, that comes after I finish rebuilding the house so it can wait.

Everyone chooses how he or she wishes to run their own life and what they want to do while living that life. People like you, who think that your opinions and "feelings" about how others should live, should be the law are just wanna be elitist snobs who hate the fact that people actually have thoughts of their own that don't agree with yours.

As for your attacking the membership, calling their intellect and mental status into being is a sign of someone that is exactly what they are trying to project upon others, low of intellect and most likely mentally unstable.

If you had bothered to read other threads and the same members here replying there, you will find many disagreements. But unlike you, they don't lower themselves and start to call names or insult the membership that they disagree with. And if they do chose to insult them, then they will come straight out and say so.

As for what you think about the membership having weapons and/or a concealed carry license, I don't care what you think. You have your own opinions on a subject, we have ours. We don't think that it's paranoid, you do. Yet you don't see us calling your intellect or your mental status into being now do you?*

But don't mind me, to you I'm just a nut job.


*except for me who has just done so in this post.
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Old October 1, 2005, 11:12 AM   #79
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But don't mind me, to you I'm just a nut job.
Yeah but I still love ya, that makes you a GOOD nut job

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Old October 1, 2005, 11:37 AM   #80
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One never knows the where or when of next encounter-CRSam

Define Encounter

I am responsible for me. This includes any firearm and its use, availability, or rounds discharged.

In another life, I had access to portable mediums of exchange. Vulnerable times include was when I was in hotel/ motel. Living in an apartment, Renting a condo.

Access is NOT always controlled by ME. Maintenence folks like exterminators get master keys. As do employees , current or past at hotels/ motels, apartments, Condos. Some are just nosey, perhaps disgruntled, others are not wired right and we call them criminals.

Around kids, or anyone - It is my responsibility to keep MY firearm with me and under my control. Some folks do not have firearm awareness. Some will steal for money, some will spout off and illegal ears will hear.

Yes I continue to take my CCW in the bathroom, I have for a l-o-n-g time.

I have had hotel/ motel folks walk in while I was taking a shower, room service, or somesuch.

I have been in the shower and had the Exterminator show up in my apt, he had a master key - Easier the Apt owners/ mgr 'said' than having to meet the guy at the office at a certain time.

I have been in MY Apt and heard blood curdling screams from my neighbor, very attractive young lady. Seems a "former" maintenence guy had a master key, he walked in on her, her gun was in her nightstand. Flimsy doors, and locks, hairbrushes and blow dryers - just don't cut it.

She started taking her gun in the bathroom. She and some GFs rented a Condo later on...seems attractive women attract certain elements. Her GFs screamed when the maintence guy "helped himself in" , with his master key- ,my neighbor was the only one armed at the time, and was in the bathroom.

I was a kid, I had been shooting my .22 revolver, and took into the bathroom with me to keep safe from smaller sibs. I heard screams, thru the bathroom window. Baby brother was being chased by a rabid dog.

Eyes wide with fear, and running for dear life, he made in the back door. I took care of the dog.

Awareness and being responsible is NOT "location" exclusive. Stuff happens at anytime, anyplace.

Fire extinguishers never seem to be in reach either...when you NEED one.
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Old October 1, 2005, 11:48 AM   #81
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I carry all the time. Church, college, maybe a gun in the shower is a bit much, but a gun handy in the bathroom isn't.
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Old October 1, 2005, 12:07 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by jsp98m3
The original poster asked 'the public' if he was being paranoid.
I absolutely did not. I posted a specific example of a criminal who targeted people who were in the shower. I then pointed out that criminals try to target vulnerable people and that people are often very vulnerable in their homes and criminals know it.

I did not and have not said that I carry in the shower for the simple reason that I don't. I said SPECIFICALLY that I was NOT trying to make a case for carrying in the shower, and stated the purpose of my starting this thread VERY clearly in the last sentence of the initial post of this thread.
Do you know about the TEXAS State Rifle Association?

Last edited by JohnKSa; October 1, 2005 at 09:34 PM.
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Old October 1, 2005, 12:43 PM   #83
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Just to help the good folks here to remember (I for one had forgotten the initial question myself with all the bantering that we've been doing):

I just watched a documentary on a serial killer (Cleophus Prince Jr.) who would follow women home from health clubs, break into their homes and rape and stab them. The police theorized that he knew that the women would probably get right into the shower upon returning from a health club and that made it easier for him to enter the home undetected--perhaps he was even thinking far enough ahead to reason that they were unlikely to be armed or have the means to mount any kind of defense. He most commonly used a knife taken from the kitchen of the victim.

I've seen people castigated for saying that they carry around the house, and I've seen joke threads about people carrying in the shower.

I'm not going to turn this into a plea for everyone to keep a gun in the shower or a criticism of those who say that people are paranoid for carrying around the house, but it's worth noting that we are vulnerable to criminal attack when in our own homes--at times very vulnerable. And worth noting that criminals know it and exploit it.
So, we can get back on course

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Old October 1, 2005, 01:31 PM   #84
michael t
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I always take my gun into shower. But I leave my weapon on shelf out side. Any one remember boot camp
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Old October 3, 2005, 08:49 PM   #85
Jack Malloy
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Jeff Cooper and Mass Ayoob have both commented about carrying your gun (and where to place it) when in the john.
I don't see why placing a gun where it is accessible in the shower or bathroom is any sillier than being concerned about that.
I have heard of too many cases where people facing home invaders and angry domestic violence situations wound up barricaded in their bathrooms.
Its a valid topic.
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Old October 3, 2005, 09:03 PM   #86
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My Dobies cover the shower...but not all the time!

I feel sorry for the person who breaks into my house...

What must they think when my 4 Dobes look up at him and smile...

My last vistor asked 'What's that sound?' I opened the door to the playroom and there asleep on the big L-shaped sofa were 4 snoring Dobes...
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Old October 3, 2005, 10:51 PM   #87
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I carry my gun in the shower.
I strip it, clean it, and make love to it in the shower.

If I did carry I would keep it on me with my jeans.
I would not carry it IN the shower but I would have it in the bathroom with a clean pair of jeans. Sometimes I sleep in my jeans so I might also sleep with my gun on me. Does having a gun on me all the time make me paranoid? I think it makes me prepared. Like wearing jeans.
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Old October 3, 2005, 11:09 PM   #88
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Clinton asks what the meaning of "is", is. I ask what the meaning of "in" is.
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Old October 3, 2005, 11:52 PM   #89
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child proof: a great reason for your carry gun in the bathroom

This point bears repeating.

When I shower, I disrobe in the bathroom; thus my gun is locked in with me, and is not available for my children to toy with in the next room. Of course I could use it if attacked, but mostly it's just a matter of keeping it within my physical control and out of the hands of the hooligans I'm raising.
- Pax

I've considered this many times: How do I keep my kid out of the weapons locker while keeping a weapon handy? The best solution is to have keep my carry weapon on my person at all times and to lock up the rest of the weapons. (putting kitchen knives in a child-proof cabinet is a very good idea)

So it's not paranoia. It's part of child proofing your armed household. I interpret this to mean that IF a responsible adult decides to arm the household, that adult needs to take the weapon(s) into the bathroom. Maybe even into the tub and shower. Just use a high shelf and a ziplock bag for your steel weapons.

Put another way: A person should minimize condition-white times or come to terms with the fact that we're all going to die, some times.

I guess I'll start carrying a (nonslip) baton into the shower with me. The shower is already made with clear glass for visibility plus a concrete/tile separator for cover. All I need to change is to put a weapons locker in the closet that is inside the bathroom. :neener:
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Old October 4, 2005, 12:08 AM   #90
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Can't we all just snap the BG's with a wet towel?
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Old October 4, 2005, 02:50 AM   #91
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Unless society hangs out in my bathroom, I don't think there'll be a problem.

I do have a concern about people who move farther and farther outide of the mainstream until they get to the point that they become an unintentional and unnoticed danger to society.
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Old October 10, 2005, 09:07 AM   #92
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Commenting on the posts before directed at my former post...

Yes, I completely understand that statistics and common physiology are not in my favor, as a woman. Yet, I just can't stand the over-generalization there is about women protecting themselves.

If those two "trained" women are still able to be overcome more than 3 times out of 10, then they are using the wrong tactics against that situation and assailant. Ever heard of PPT? Very strong without needed strength.
Taking out the testosterone calling, no offense, but it doesn't have to be how hard you strike your assailant. The most important factor in the equation is where.

There are so many pressure points that are open, "even for a woman", on both sides of the body that will bring an assailant down. Doesn't have to be a mighty lion punch, just fast enough to make contact and move. Betcha any girl can punch faster than a guy can. I didn't stay harder, I said faster. (shorter arms, less mass, more detail-oriented)

It's not a matter of a woman being able to knock the guy out and then stand upon his unconscious body beating her chest letting out a mighty Tim Allen roar. It's getting the space needed to get to either the neighbor's, your weapon, whatever plan you have in place to better defend yourself. Men would do just as good in the same situation. But, for some reason, society will tag you men as a wuss for not knocking the guy out.

Sad, really. I come out with less bruises but just as successful, but still we are downplayed as being the maidens in distress in needed of a knight's rescue.
Bleck......I hate that.

You know, maybe if the "other" gender would give the general population of women a little more credit for what we are able to do, rather than not able to do, it would motivate more women to learn the correct tactics on how to handle a would-be enemy.

I'll stand by Annie Oakley's words..."Anything you can do I can do better."
And, if I can't at this very given second, I'll bet you my last dollar that I'll find a way how.

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Old October 11, 2005, 07:00 AM   #93
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Usp45usp wrote:

Everyone chooses how he or she wishes to run their own life and what they want to do while living that life. People like you, who think that your opinions and "feelings" about how others should live, should be the law are just wanna be elitist snobs who hate the fact that people actually have thoughts of their own that don't agree with yours.

As for your attacking the membership, calling their intellect and mental status into being is a sign of someone that is exactly what they are trying to project upon others, low of intellect and most likely mentally unstable.

If you had bothered to read other threads and the same members here replying there, you will find many disagreements. But unlike you, they don't lower themselves and start to call names or insult the membership that they disagree with. And if they do chose to insult them, then they will come straight out and say so.

As for what you think about the membership having weapons and/or a concealed carry license, I don't care what you think. You have your own opinions on a subject, we have ours. We don't think that it's paranoid, you do. Yet you don't see us calling your intellect or your mental status into being now do you?*

But don't mind me, to you I'm just a nut job.
Don't bother trying to help him USP, as you said, your opinion doesn't jive with his, so its pointless.

And jsp98m3, since you didn't bother to reply to my last post, I'll assume that either you missed it...or more likely, others opinions do not matter to you. Doesn't really matter which. And while I myself happen to understand that you were only 'attacking the police' half in jest, there are some who read your post that will NOT realize that. Some will take it to heart. Someone might actually share your opinions (as unlikely and frightening as that thought is), so you sometimes have to be careful about HOW you say things in a public forum.

I'm all for free speech. Say what you want. Just be smart enough, or have enough class to say it in a way that does not intentionally offend people. And if you mean to offend tham, FINE, have the stones to do it outright. If you DIDN'T mean to offend and someone says that you have, at least have enough class and respect for yourself and others to appologize, and stop being such a high-minded jackass....
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Old October 12, 2005, 08:25 PM   #94
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Has anyone besides me gotten the feeling that anyone who has been on this forum for less than a month and has 210 posts with many of them elitist anti-gun statements, might possibly be someone we should not take seriously? After all, even a 13 year old can post on the Internet and claim all types of experience, ability, courage, intelligence and superiority.

My daughter lived in San Diego for a while and I visited there. I found that not all the animals were actually in the zoo.

Derius, you said it very well. The person going by jsp98m3 should wear a sign saying, "Troll" Billie Goat Troll might be even better. The decision to carry a gun and where and when to carry one is a decision that should be made by the adult with the gun. Children are not allowed to carry guns, no not even in the shower, so I guess it might seem strange for them when someone does. Unless it is a water pistol!
Charlotte, NC
Mecklenburg County
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Old October 13, 2005, 12:30 AM   #95
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many of them elitist anti-gun statements,

all righty then....:barf:

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Old October 13, 2005, 04:54 AM   #96
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I think jsp had some good points.
I was not offended by anything he said.
Did I miss something?
Some of you seem offended.

Every guy wants to be the knight that saves the maiden in distress.

I am waiting for some girl to save me.
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Old October 13, 2005, 09:44 AM   #97
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I suppose it's the judgemental attitude of some gun owners. I remember a George Carlin act in which he says everybody on the road is either an idiot or a maniac.

Many people do this. There are hunters who judge gun owners who keep guns for defensive purposes. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who own guns for defensive purposes who are totally against hunting. There are those who own handguns but don't see the purpose for "assault rifles"or "sniper rifles". There are those who own "sniper rifles", but can see no sporting purpose in a handgun.There are those who keep a handgun in their nightstands to kill an intruder, but are shocked to find there are people who carry them outside the home.

Meanwhile, there are people who own no guns who vilify all gun owners. Is there a difference? Not much.

There's at least one poster on here who thinks anyone who wants to know what to do with his carry gun while in the bathroom is a nutcase.

Why can't we all reserve judgement on each other?
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Old October 13, 2005, 12:08 PM   #98
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....Oh we're out just can't be afraid to approach us and you can't be afraid to let us wear the pants once in awhile.

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Old October 13, 2005, 12:46 PM   #99
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in which he says everybody on the road is either an idiot or a maniac.
Must have been driving in Alaska

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Old October 14, 2005, 11:38 PM   #100
Night Watch
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The trouble with a gun in the shower is where do you put it, how do you keep your powder dry, and prevent your shower gun from rusting out? Still remember Janet Leigh in that shower scene from Psycho! Wouldn't it be a much better idea to just let your Rottweiler wait in the hall, and keep the piece under a towel in the linen closet?
'Things go wrong. The odds catch up. Probability is like gravity; and, you cannot negotiate with gravity. One other thing: God always has the last laugh. You need to remember that!'
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