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Old July 25, 2005, 04:29 PM   #126
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I do agree about the psychological advantage to a point. Around where I live and work, most criminals could care less who they are dealing with, however. (Yes, they are that ruthless!).

I'm not saying that it is common or most likely for one to be charged. Just saying that it COULD happen.

It's just not a risk that I would take; as I see other options available as well that are just as effective.

Happy shooting and stay safe!

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Old August 26, 2005, 01:56 AM   #127
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Well, the other night when there was a loud crashing noise in the house, my husband yelled "DOGS! ATTACK!!" to our happily snoring Ridgebacks, who were not even disturbed by the crash--but who DID get up to defend ME as I went down the hall to check/secure the kidlets rooms. Hubby checked the main part of the house.

Turns out it was nothing more than the shower curtain bar crashing down from too much cycling gear hanging up to dry...

(*Yes, we were armed, but I don't recall what my husband carried--I had a 1911.)

Vic...if my wife ever leaves me, and you dump your hubby...will you marry me?
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Old August 26, 2005, 03:21 AM   #128
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I can't stand it any more.. I yell


sorry about that
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Old August 26, 2005, 11:48 AM   #129
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In a similar vein, as posted by sniper350 in another forum,
"The following does not represent legal advice, only an opinion:

When the situation presents itself that justifies the use of deadly force…Attitude becomes extremely important when confronting your attacker. You don’t want the attacker to think “He will shoot me, only if he thinks I am trying to hurt him”, but you do want the attacker to think “He will shoot me if I piss him off anymore”.
The first mindset gives the attacker some wiggle room………where he knows you are on the defensive ( even though you are holding a gun) and he might start thinking of ways to trick you in order to get the upper hand. This wiggle room can increase the danger of the confrontation to the point where gun fire is likely. The second mindset I described gives the attacker the sense that his death is close at hand unless he does exactly what is asked of him & then nothing is still guaranteed. This atmosphere, though intense, will most likely “not” require gun fire to achieve compliance of the intruder.
How to establish the proper attitude in seconds! First, never, ever use your weapon to scare or try to intimidate someone. That means never grabbing your gun unless deadly force is justified—period. You can have it hidden or near-by, that’s fine……..but when you play your hand and show your attacker the weapon…..the situation must have escalated to the point where deadly force can be legally used. Use LOUD and clear commands for the intruder to “get on the ground”. Your commands should be loud to the point of screaming. The intruder will interpret this as your “desperation”, but you will remain under control inside yourself. Inform the intruder that you will take offensive action if he doesn’t comply….and repeat your demands over and over.
ON THE GROUND…… where you want someone, that you fear may attempt to take you life. HANDS KILL………..keep their hands visible to you at all times!! I would avoid phrases like “don’t come any closer”. Now you have given the intruder some wiggle room. I hope in this very short essay I am making my points?? You want to appear as aggressive as possible when confronting the criminal element. No, a gun does NOT automatically give you that aggressive element…….criminals are use to seeing them pointed at people. It is your demeanor that will convey their need to comply or die.
Some Tips:
Pacing: This skill is usually acquired from shooting competitions . When practicing at the Range…….try to learn accuracy first……and then speed. Often times it is not who fires first, but who hits their target first that walks away from a gunfight. Once you have gotten accuracy down……..then slowly increase your speed. Take the percentage shot first…………meaning engage the closest target to you first….and then work your way back to targets furthest away.

Move to “cover” if possible before shooting. Don’t waste ammo shooting while on the run. Take a position-----then engage your target(s)."

This guy is good.
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Old August 26, 2005, 12:18 PM   #130
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I actually thought of this previously, when I used to train at the range with the local S.O. We practiced it a few times.

"Stop, please stop! Please don't make me hurt you! Please don't hurt me!" -- followed by a double tap.
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Old August 26, 2005, 12:53 PM   #131
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If possible, in a crowded area, I would yell STOP! or GET BACK! or somthing similiar as LOUD as I possibly can, while backing away.

Chances are, if there are alot of people there, one of the only things they will remember is someone screaming STOP, GET BACK, GET AWAY, or such at the top of their lungs. Scream it so loud it gets everyone in the stores attention! Then if you must shoot, everyone will remember you screaming at the BG in an attempt to make him STOP or GET AWAY before you had to shoot.
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Old August 26, 2005, 01:16 PM   #132
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"You ring the bell and then you yell: TRICK OR TREAT!" That's been bouncing around my head like a .22 round for months.
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Old August 26, 2005, 01:29 PM   #133
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So a BG has pulled a weapon...

In private, well, More than likely I'd just say double-tap him and then hit speed dial to 911. Dead men tell no lies. Public is a different matter entirely.

In public there are many things to consider--VERY QUICKLY. Outdoors or Indoors? Crowded or limited by-standers? Multiple BG's or solo? Nature of the weapon? Proximity of potential victims to agressor? This list can get lengthy depending on situation. 99% of all cases, if a BG has a weapon visibly in hand, I would say draw your own. Even with a knife. If I'm not mistaken, the minimum safe distance against a knife-wielding agressor to a potental victim is 21 feet (roughly 7 paces). Less than that and your chances of being able to draw and fire effectively before the agressor can close the distance and attack are greatly reduced. So then, your weapon is out, what to do? Use "Command of Presence" to your advantage. LE use this for a reason. Short, quick commands such as "Drop the Weapon! Drop it! Do it NOW!" Get down!" This does several things. It takes the BG's attention away from whatever or whoever it was on and redirects it to you. If eye contact is made, hold it and maintain it if possible. There will likely be a moment of hesitation when this attention shift happens, take advantage of it. Also use these few moments to move to a better position if necessary (shifting to a position where a shot, if fired, has the least chance of by-stander injury, etc.) The BG will usually telegraph his next move within that time. Do not cease your commands until the BG either follows or breaks into a fight or flight mode. So long as he does not attack or run, your commands are the controlling factor in the situation. Keep repeating them rapid fire while slowly closing the distance between. 1st objective; reduce or illiminate a potential victim (this means isolate the agressor as much as possible). 2nd objective; disarm the agressor---"Drop your weapon", etc. 3rd objective; illiminate the agressor's ability to recover the weapon, by creating distance between them---"Back up", "Move back!", etc. 4th objective, disable the agressor's ability to fight or flee by putting them in a prone or otherwise vulnerable position---"Get on the ground", "lay down", "Get down", etc. By this time, LE SHOULD already be on their way.

I'm not saying all situations should or will go this way, but in the event you DO have to fire, you've followed enough protocal to give the BG the option to comply that if you do fire it was his actions that caused the necessity of your firing. AND if all goes as planned, the situation is nutralized with the least amount of force taken.
Oh, and you have NOT identified or misrepresented yourself as LE in any way, but the BG may understand you to be such by your actions, and that can work in your favor.

My 2-cents...
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Old August 26, 2005, 02:21 PM   #134
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Ever heard a "Rebel Yell" ? It can freeze you to the spot. One of the scariest sounds I have ever heard is a man screaming at the top of his lungs but not actually using words.

If you have some guy scream at you like that while pointing a gun at you, you are gonna stop or you are psyco crazy.

If you don't believe me get someone from Tenneswee or Kentucky or Louisana to demonstrate.

Last edited by butch50; August 26, 2005 at 03:08 PM.
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Old August 26, 2005, 09:55 PM   #135
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Ever heard a "Rebel Yell" ? It can freeze you to the spot. One of the scariest sounds I have ever heard is a man screaming at the top of his lungs but not actually using words.
Yup, we gave Santa Anna that at the Alamo and San Jacinto and later the Yanks that at Gettysburg and Manassas

I laugh at the thought of a policeman giving a criminal a Rebel Yell to a criminal instead of "Freeze" or "Police, hold it right there!" But either of those beats "CHL Holder don't move!"
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Old August 30, 2005, 06:21 AM   #136
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Given the situation...

Look at it this way... There are really two different scenarios to work with as a permit holder in public that may or may not have to use their weapon to defend themselves.

#1 Defense of another. Be that your wife, your kids, or someone you don't know. Either way someone besides YOU is at risk or serious injury or harm.

#2 Defense of yourself. This is sort of obviously YOU in the way of potential and imminent harm.

In situation #1 things are already positioned to go your way. In many states, or even most states, there is some legislation that refers to fear for your safety or that of another and imminent harm or risk. In many case this either leads to legislation or judicial precendence around the concept of retreat when your safety is threatened. Which unfortunately has an impact of how easily you can swing things in your favor.

When the situation involves defending another human, as the scenario that started this thread did, there is less compulsion to retreat. After all it was never a situation where you felt YOU were at risk, your goal was to defend someone else, which if you retreat is hard to do.

So if you want to say something, great, whatever works for you, the advice given in this thread around things like, "Don't make me shoot you" tend to be your best option as they support the belief that you are defending someone that needs defense and really don't want to have to drop the BG. "Release her." or other commands that support this "goal" should also be fine.

Addditionally it's much easier to be assured of grand jury support in this case. Mothers, Fathers, Husbands, Wives, comprise the grand jury. Defending someone else carries a nobility with it right out of fairy tales and G.I. Joe so it's subconciously appealing. In the scenario given here, I don't think you need to say much at all. Drop 'em.

In situation #2 where you are defending yourself it can certainly be trickier. If you live in Florida you should be in good shape given their legislation that does not place a requirement for retreat on the shoulders of honest people. Which I feel is appropriate because unfortunately the retreat concept is kind of screwy.

It leads to a belief that if you were in fear for your safety then you would attempt to retreat or flee to gain safety. Perhaps when we fear for our safety we are supposed to run in circles screaming, "God! Don't kill me" while sobbing, but I think this is a better way to be a victim than to gain any level of safety. Anyone that has ever been in combat or for that matter that knows and has talked to anyone that has ever been in combat, you can absolutely be 100% in fear for your safety, 50-100% sure you aren't going to live beyond the next 15 minutes, and yet remain calm and do your best to neutralize threats. Which in the end is why we discuss these scenarios here. That and a strong desire to not end up wearing a spiffy orange jump suit with our own personal serial #.

So in the situation where you have to defend yourself... Know the laws in your state, that's the first rule. Be sure that you make the right statements to the PD when they show up. That's the second rule. Given the PD what they need to make a clean case of self defense and they'll help you out. I've discussed this with a number of LEO's at least here locally and they've stated that in clear cut situations of law abiding citizen defends themself against long criminal record dirtbag, they are careful to write their affidavits to support self defense and a lack of other options.

1. Make it clear that you were in fear for your safety.
2. Make clear that you attempted to back away and were pursued.
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Old August 30, 2005, 08:52 PM   #137
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Hollowgram>>> Congrats! I'm guessing you've just won bonus points towards a quick one-way trip out-a-here! Thanks for stopping by, don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.... OR clean up your attitude!
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Old August 31, 2005, 09:39 AM   #138
Mal H
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Rangefinder - who were you talking to?? There doesn't appear to be anyone there.
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Old August 31, 2005, 11:42 AM   #139
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Halt! oder ich schieße Sie mit meiner Maschine Pistole!!!!
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Old August 31, 2005, 02:00 PM   #140
Captain Kimber
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If the S.H. is threatening my wife I would have no reason to pull a weapon! A cellphone call to 911 on his behalf would be more applicable.
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Old August 31, 2005, 04:50 PM   #141
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Rangefinder - who were you talking to?? There doesn't appear to be anyone there.

Mal----What? You don't talk to yourselves? How odd! LOL Actually it was a troll, whom it would appear did not take my advice seriously, and was removed. Hence, I have a lovely post directed at.... NO ONE! Sorry for the confusion... LOL
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Old August 31, 2005, 08:53 PM   #142
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If given the time the BG would be told to lay face down and stay very still.
If I did not have the time I would just shoot to kill.
When it reaches the point of pulling the gun an explanation just gives the BG more time to hurt someone.

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Old September 2, 2005, 12:38 PM   #143
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I hope the day never comes and if god forbid it does I hope any type of training I have ever had kicks in and I can do what needs to be done.And any of you who think it would be any differant for yourself your fooling yourself.Most of us will never know hopefully how we will react.I'm no wannabe I am and with all my years of training until the day comes I will never know if it will pay off or not.I don't want to insult anyone but if you wannabes (if the shoe fits)better realize once you pull that trigger what ever happens no matter where you live its on your rear end and you better be able to justify what you did

"And thats all I have to say about that"(Forest Gump)

Last edited by RERICK; September 2, 2005 at 06:02 PM.
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Old September 2, 2005, 03:24 PM   #144
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A bad guy with a weapon coming at my family?


freeze A hole....


die MF

in that order.
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Old November 16, 2005, 05:14 PM   #145
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In your best and most forceful Tony Montoya spanish accented voice SAY HELLO TO MY LIL' FRIEND!
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Old November 16, 2005, 06:22 PM   #146
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Ok -- so the situation has already deterriorated enough to warrant deadly force due to (impending) attack on another person, right? What am I going to yell?

Quite frankly, I'm not going to waste brain cycles on that -- my focus is going to be on drawing and shooting. If a yell comes out of me while doing that, at some instinctive level, well, that's all fine and good, but I'm not going out of my way to do that. Really, why waste the time and brain power on yellin' when an attack is underway and split seconds are critical? All you are doing is giving the BG more time to attack the 3rd party. If I did let out a yell at that instinctive level, it would be something more like a "Hey" or a "Rebel Yell" during the draw, maybe it would serve to distract the BG for a split second and thus give me that much more of a tactical advantage.
Formerly lived in Ga, but now I'm back in Tx! Aaaand, now I'm off to Fla...
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Old November 18, 2005, 02:26 AM   #147
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In light of the thread necromancy...

"Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store."
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Old November 18, 2005, 08:45 AM   #148
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Range is going hot, eyes and ears.
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Old November 18, 2005, 09:03 AM   #149
Glock 31
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"Your GP, or your HP".

Sorry too much video games.

"Your money, or your life".

oops that'll probably get you in trouble.

"The question you gotta ask your self is, "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya punk"?

Ok that's just silly.

It doesn't matter, ideally your the one with the gun, you could tell him he's a pink bunny rabbit and he'd have to believe ya.

Bottom line, whatever it takes to end the situation as peacefully and quickly as possible.

Try, "Stop or i'll shoot". It seems to be the tried and true method in most cases.
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Old November 18, 2005, 09:05 AM   #150
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My would say the following;

1) If the guy has a knife or some other non-gun dangerous weapon and I was a good distance away; "DROP IT"

2) If someone was assaulting a stranger I would yell; " Get off of (him/Her)"

3) If someone was threatening me or my family with a weapon, nothing would be said, until after I shot the guy.

4) If they are threatening without a weapon I'll go with the "Don't make me shot you" or "Stop or I'll shoot"

5) For all others, since it is getting close to the holidays I would use the lines from the movie "Christmas Story" like; "Fudge" , "You'll shoot your eye out kid" and "Butafinga"
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