TFL Registration/Posting/Password Problems

The vBulletin software used at TFL can sometimes cause conflicts with cookies set by the previous version. Additionally, the software employs CSS styles, which is a relatively new HTML standard. These styles can cause problems with versions of Netscape prior to 4.7 and versions of Internet Explorer prior to 5.5. We recommend upgrading your Browser to the latest version, in order to gain the full benefits of the TFL software.

What’s my password?:
We don’t have the foggiest notion! Passwords are encrypted and not viewable even by Staff. If you loose your password, the system can generate a new one for you. Please proceed to

If you wish to change your password simply click on the UserCP link at the top right of any Forum page.

Checking for Cookie Conflicts:
If you attempt to post or login and have problems, chances are, it's your cookies.
At the top right of the Forum Summary page ( you can check to see if the system recognizes you as logged in: If so, you will see a message like:
Welcome back, John Smith
At the bottom right of this same page, you will find a
Login/Logout feature. If the software does not recognize your login or it continues to recognize you after you've logged out, you have a conflict in cookies previously set by TFL. These will need to be removed.

Instructions for removing cookies in Internet Explorer 5 on Windows:
Close all Internet Explorer windows. Click the "Start" button. Move up to "Search" and click "Files or Folders" from the menu that appears. In the new window that appears, in the "containing text" field, type in "
firingline" (without the quotes) . In the "look in" box, type in "C:\Windows\Cookies\" (without the quotes) and press "Find Now" After it has finished searching, highlight all files (click a file, then press CRTL+A) and delete them (press the "delete" key or SHIFT+DEL) Your cookies should now be removed. You may want to restart the computer and revisit the board to be sure.

Instructions for removing cookies in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows
1. Click on START, select SETTINGS, then click on CONTROL PANEL.
2. Double-click on INTERNET OPTIONS.
NOTE: In Windows XP, click on Start, select Control Panel, select Network and Internet Connections, then click on Internet Options.
3. Click on DELETE COOKIES in the Temporary Internet Files area
4. Click on OK.
5. Click on OK to close the Internet Properties window.
6. Click on the X in the upper right corner to close the Control Panel window

Instructions for removing cookies in Netscape on Windows:
Close all Netscape windows. Click the "Start" button. Move up to "Search" and click "Files or Folders" from the menu that appears. In the new window that appears, in the "containing text" field, type in "cookies.txt" (without the quotes) . In the "look in" box, type the location of your Netscape Directory, such as "c:/Program Files/Netscape"(without the quotes) and press "Find Now" After it has finished searching, open the cookies.txt file. Search for all occurrences of "firingline" and remove those entries. Save the file to it's original location. Your cookies should now be removed. You may want to restart the computer and revisit the board to be sure.

Instructions for removing cookies on WebTV:
There are a number of sites on the net with instructions for deleting WebTV cookies. One suich resource is at

Not using Cookies?
If you choose not to enable cookies in your Browser, you must set the TFL Software to recognize this:
1) Go to the User Control Panel at
2) Check "No" to "
Automatically login when you return to the site? (uses cookies)"
3) Check "No" to "
Browse board with cookies?"