Thread: Occupied Aztlan
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Old July 24, 2002, 03:52 PM   #125
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My main point was in response to Aaron's "give a solution or shut the hell up" rant. I don't expect the US govt to promote liberty right now, I think that it would only be possible after some major housecleaning has occured and we actually got some quality people in office. A congress of Ron Paul clones would probably do a decent job of it
Ah yes, my rant. So far I see a couple of “put the military all over the border” and one “dig a BFM” (Big Freaking Moat). Those are all awfully intelligent. So intelligent I feel dumb for not understanding how in the world they could actually work. I’m nervous as all get out already about our military and how they might be implemented as a law enforcement organization. How much more so, if we actually ask for it?! Seems a lot like cutting off you nose to spite your face to me. Of course there was your suggestion of spending millions of tax dollars (and I quote, “The CIA would infiltrate...”) for another gov’t program that has the sole purpose of overthrowing existing gov’t systems in order to set up our ideal form. No matter how superior capitalism and freedom are, one gov’t actively seeking to overthrow another treads awfully close to an act of war. Moreover, I don’t think I trust a gov’t (even one made up of Ron Pauls') to effectively educate a large population (and isn’t using gov’t resources for education and such, in another country slightly hypocritical?). And last but not least, according to our esteemed members like Russ Howard, and Longeyes (and others) we are facing a new “brown peril” that might have our whole nation at war within a very few years and you are suggesting that the solution is to slowly covert those pesky Canadians and then we can work on the “brown peril”? If I understand the problem as being presented by some here, we wont be around that long. Hell Mr. Longeyes and Bullet44 don’t think there will any water left to drink by then.

I’ll say it again, what do you think should be done?.

BTW GG, I love what you want to accomplish. I even tried to start a thread about it at one point (it got highjacked though). I disagree with your methods (or more correctly the timing and the best way of accomplishing this), but couldn’t agree more with your objective.
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