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Old August 21, 2002, 12:39 PM   #25
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Join Date: November 5, 2000
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US vs Miller hardly qualifies as a definitive case law concerning the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

The militia IS the citizens of the United States of America. Learn it. Feel it. LIVE IT. And then the 2nd Amendment will make sense to you as it does to us.
If you differ with this, convince me as to why the founders of the government to put the rights of the government in with the Bill of Rights, which spells out the rights of the citizenry?

If you are looking the the mindset behind the Bill of Rights, try the Federalist Papers-those involved in drafting and voting on the Constitution expound on the reasons for its content. For example, Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 29 states: If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties for the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens.

The founding fathers did not want another all powerful government or tyrant trampling the rights of the people. The Bill of Rights is not a separate document-rather an addition to it which can be read as part of the original. The BOR instructs the government what its boundaries are with respect to the rights of the citizens of this country. Period. Yes, we have the occasional fool who tries to take more than what is allowed, but they are put back in their place sooner or later.

And by the way-the Second Amendment was not "developed" into the right to keep and bear arms-that sounds as if it were some type of a fraudulent or devious subterfuge. It is written in plain American English. But you are right-we do know and love it very much, because we know where we would be if it weren't part of our heritage. There are many of us here who have fought for the right, from the battlefield to the ballot box and many places in between to ensure that it stays with the people.
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