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Old January 19, 2006, 07:12 AM   #1
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Join Date: October 2, 2005
Posts: 526
Gun Store idjit, chapter 2

I decided to browse at a used Sig. I'm used to the gun store people clearing the weapon before handing it to me, but the gun store guy takes the gun out, POINTS THE GUN AT ME WITH HIS FINGER ON THE TRIGGER, and then proceeds to rack the slide back to ensure the weapon is clear. During this procedure I took a prudent side-step to get out of the muzzle sweep. I look the weapon over. Aftwerwards, I rack the slide and lock it back to ensure the weapon is safe and hand it back to him with the muzzle in a safe direction. He then releases the slide slock and the slide slams shut on an empty chamber.

You know, it's not just the gun store's the customers that are starting to tick me off. I can't walk into a gun shop without at least one or two or three idjits muzzel sweeping me, their fingers on the triggers. I'm doing the gun store limbo and trying to avoid the muzzles of multiple guns being handled by rank ignorant, untrained unaware idjits.
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