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Old December 17, 2007, 10:51 AM   #20
Staff In Memoriam
Join Date: October 31, 2007
Location: Western Florida panhandle
Posts: 11,069
When a kid is charged with violence for making the pistol shape with his fingers we have allowed these rules to go too far! I was entirely disgusted to also hear of GIJoe 4inch rifles getting 8 year old kids arrested. Or the girl who didn't like soggy bread so momma would put the bread and other ingredients of a sandwich seperate complete with a butter knife for spreading. She too was arrested and expelled. Heck a teenage girl on her period can't quietly carry Midol to school, she has to go to office or nurse or both and announce in front of adults and possible eaves dropping students that she has period cramps... have them hold her "drugs" and issue them as they see fit!
None of these issues take place at the school my daughter attends even though the same state laws govern the school! The adults in charge can smell poop when it is under their nose and just refuse to play the timid role these other liberal minded school officials play. I have personaly seen the ol'ag teacher borrow a knife from a student... and he returned it closed just as he got it!
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