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Old February 26, 2008, 09:34 PM   #157
Ohio Rusty
Join Date: December 28, 2006
Location: Southeast Ohio
Posts: 94
A good topic draws lots of debate .... Like this one. My only carry gun is a Keltec P3AT. I ALWAYS have one in the chamber ready to fire. The P3 is small and sometimes hard to slingshot the slide in a confined place .... like sitting in the front seat of your car with the steering wheel in the way. I would hate for that one time I have to rack the slide and the edge of the hollowpoint round fails to chamber properly and hangs up on something internal .... This exact thing can happen to any gun whether it is a $250 Keltec or a $1250 custom Kimber.
Those precious seconds of trying to clear a jam may cost you dearly.
What happens if your attacker jumps out and cuts your arm with a knife disabling your arm?
What happens if the bad guy has you over the hood of your car and you have one arm trying to keep him pushed away?
What if it's not a bad guy but a big loose pit bull that comes out of nowhere and grabs your arm that you threw up to defend yourself against his bite?
What if it's a gang banger that comes up to your window from the blind side of your car, and you have one arm tied up putting on your seat belt. Now you are totally vulnerable. Can you stop this car jacking with an empty gun?
What if you are coming from the store and loading groceries in your car and one hand is wrapped up in the plastic bag handles .... Or you are strapping your child or grandshild on their car seat ???

In every one of the above scenario's .... it is virtually impossible to get a round in the chamber in time when the bad guy jumps you or is in your face from out of nowhere. It may be impossible to even get a round in, period. The obvious solution is to keep one in the pipe ....keep that gun loaded as you are not always in a situation where you have both hands free.
That is your only insurance that you can get a shot off fast enough.
Ohio Rusty ><>
Psalms 27:1-3/Psalms 91:9-11 (AMP)
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