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Old October 22, 1999, 01:22 PM   #19
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Join Date: December 3, 1998
Location: SLC Utah
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The following are real people that I have known:

The Moron- Similar to the know it all in the fact that they think they know everything. Except they are just stupider than hell. I had a roomate like this. Liked to twirl his Ruger MkII on his finger and drop it into his holster wild west style, it was ok because "the safety is on". Had about a dozen guns in his room and kept them all loaded and laying around "because an unloaded gun is just a club". Oh good I feel safer with that .300 win mag loaded since we live in a suburban area, just in case of a rabid moose was to attack. If you shot a 1" group, then he has shot a 1/2. If you had shot a hard kicking rifle, he has shot one bigger. Tell about the best shot you have ever made, thats nothing, he has done that tons of times. Note, you have never seen this person shoot. He is always busy. States that all cops are pansies who can't shoot nearly as good as he can, and the "carry" gun that he was saving up for was a .357 mag deasert eagle. Will argue endlessly that the ballistics of a .44 magnum are inferior to the .357 when asked why he can't explain it, just says that all real experts know that. Argues that the 38 special is more powerful than the 9mm, because a 9mm is a "sissy" gun. He is 35, works at a dead end job, and can't for the life of him figure out why girls don't want to date him.

Seth, the ex-navy cowboy- Now this guy is cool. Spent five years in the navy specializing in getting into barfights. Now he works with horses and only gets into fights on weekends. Has one rifle, a 1886 roth-steyer, converted to 45-70, uses it for everything from squirrls to elk. (you wouldn't belive its effect on rabbits) He doesn't miss. Has one pistol .30 carbine blackhawk, doesn't miss much with that either. Likes the post hole digger effect of 500 grain bullets on the backstop at the range. The only time I have ever seen him without a hat is when he got married, and that was only during the ceremony. Usually forgets to wear hearing protection.
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