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Old March 15, 2009, 12:52 AM   #72
Join Date: February 15, 2009
Location: Central CA
Posts: 23
I saw that HSS International was listed on the front page of the Training Schools thread. I attended a 4 or 5 day HSS tactical medic school a few years ago and was very dissapointed. It seemed very half-a$$ed. Time management was poor, instruction was poor, facilities were also poor. The instructors were obviously knowlegable in their professions (tactical medics from Mil/ LE), but they were not very good at instructing.

On the other hand I am happy to recommend the International School of Tactical Medicine:

It's my understanding that these folks are what was once the Heckler and Koch Training Division. They offer a two week Basic and Advanced Tactical Medicine course in Palm Springs, CA. I have nothing but possitive things to say about them. The courses were extremely organized. The instructors were very knowledgable in their fields and could actually instruct well to boot (imagine that). The instructors come from varying backgrounds including tactical law enforcement, military special operations, and the medical field (trauma surgeons).

The course is a combination of live fire range with pistol and submachinegun, simunition/ airsoft scenarios, classroom and lab, etc. One of the excellent aspects of the course was the student body. The students had a diversified background including ER docs, SWAT cops, SF soldiers, SEAL, firefighters, private sector ambulance, military contractors, etc. This provided a great way to trade styles, ideas, and contact information between the students.

As you can tell by the title, the courses are very mission specific for medics of one kind or another. It's not a general weapons type school but if you're looking for this type of training I doubt there is much better in the world.
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