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Old January 16, 2010, 06:02 AM   #14
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Join Date: January 11, 2010
Posts: 109
It will work fine, I've never regreated it!
how much did you pay for it in the end btw? for a rifle like mine costing around 450,- in the US seems good (If it would be an original sniper 700-800 would be good)

How I do my cleaning(with corrosive surplus ammo):
I put PLENTY of soft paper (and something under it, like newspaper) on the ground and put the rifle muzzle down on the paper (be careful not to damage the muzzle) then I spray plenty of balistol down the barrel, in the receiver, and on the bolt face. I let it soak for 30-60 minutes. then I clean as normal with the copper brush, patches and balistol untill the patches come out clean

I Usually push the copper brush (again with some balistol on it) about 6 times thru the barrel and then about 2 patches. I have to repeat that process around 4 times before the patches come out allmost clean. but it was a whole lot more when I cleaned it the first time. :P
I wouldn't use Break-Free btw. It doesn't work nearly as good.

but living in the USA you do have an advatage over Europe as for choise, other time proven recipies like Hoppes nr.9 are very dificult to find out her (except for ordering it of course like you )

well, Have fun with your new rifle!
and good luck with the cleaning (let me know if you have any trouble cleaning, I'll be happy to help, surplus firearms can be a pain in the but to clean sometimes)

let us know how she shoots! and if you have any pics, please show em
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