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Old May 30, 2001, 05:31 PM   #21
Double Naught Spy
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Join Date: January 8, 2001
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Maybe I misread something. I understood he was shot in the back once he was down AFTER being shot in the head. Hence, he was not shot in the back while fleeing.

Also, the woman had no way of knowing that when this guy was returning whether or not he was armed. He had proven to be armed previously and had used his weapon(s) against the woman and her mother. All she knew was that at least one gun was left behind and that was the gun she used against the guy.

If the first shot to the head killed the guy and that shot was ruled self defense, then the shots to the back are moot in terms of murder charges being brought against the woman. If the guy were alive, then she probably will have some additional series legal issues with which to contend.

Regardless of how this turns out in terms of legal matters, one thing this woman cannot be accused of is underestimating her enemy after he showed considerable determination in kidnapping her. She did the whole reverse Mozambique where she shot him in the head, assessed the situation, and place two COM from the sounds of it. Right or wrong, she made sure that the guy would never harm her again or anyone else. I understand this may be considered vigilante justice and as such, she may be legally wrong for what she did and she may have to pay the price, but by golly she stopped being victimized right then and there and there.

Hey, if Virginia or Georgia has a specific law that says it is illegal to shoot someone in the back, please send me the reference. I would greatly appreciate it. I don't need references that it is illegal to shoot someone while fleeing or some other condition, but clear cut statements that it is illegal to shoot in the back. For that matter, specific references from any state would be appreciated.
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