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Old August 6, 2020, 06:50 AM   #50
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Join Date: June 12, 2020
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Not that long ago a civilian here in the Phoenix area rescued a state trooper from being beaten to death. Long story short, he happened to be driving by, saw the perp on top of the ST officer, beating his head against the ground, so he stopped and ended up shooting the guy to save the ST.
I've thought about these scenarios. In my state, I may use force to defend myself (and self is considered family) against serious threat, great bodily harm, etc... based on MY perception of what is happening.

But, if I use force to defend another, my perception of the events no longer matters. Now the only thing that matters is the facts of the event.

So, if I roll up on 2 people, and 1 is holding the other at gunpoint and I shoot the guy, who turns out to be a plain clothes detective, I'm very likely to spend the rest of my life in prison.
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