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Old May 19, 2023, 02:35 PM   #3
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Join Date: July 14, 2002
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How do you shoot today? I ask because I’ve always shot handguns both eyes open and fairly target focused (yes I do use front sight but still both eyes open).

I ask/say that because I’ve never had issue using a pistol optic or irons but I think the fact that I naturally run both eyes open and more target focused makes that a fairly easy transition for me.

If you are a one eye closed hard sight focus guy you might have a learning curve with optics but I think they will ultimately make you a better irons shooter. The optic will absolutely show you presentation and trigger press failings and help you correct them.

All in all I think folks think too much about this stuff. It’s just another tool/technique to learn. It won’t take away from other things you practice or know. It’s like learning to shoot DA/SA and Strikers. Contrary to popular belief one can actually learn to do both. .

I actually just got back from the range where my purpose was to run my dot ….
Back up irons only
No sights just dot housing.

I ran the back up irons just as well as the dot so no worries you should be fine.
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