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Old June 5, 2023, 02:01 PM   #8
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Good question and while I have no problem him doing the work I would follow along and see how its done.

Assuming its setup for a scope with the mounting holes, its easy to do and something you may well need down the road if a question comes up on if the scope is tight (not just to the rings but the receiver) as well as possible damage and a need to remove. I dropped a gun once and knocked the scope good so in it went.

You will still need to sight it in and adjust to what you want (2 inches high at 100 is fairly common as it gets out out to 250 yards with a dead on hold)

You can start at 25 or 50 yards, bore sight the gun on a target (nice large orange dot works great) fire 3 rounds.

Keep in mind, you have to move the dial twice as much at 50 yards as much at 50 yards as you do 100. I don't worry about spot on at 50 as you will need to adjust at 100 regardless. As long as you are on paper at 100 you can adjust over. I usually use 3 rounds as sometimes one round is whacky and the other two tell me where true center is.
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