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Old September 20, 2023, 04:09 PM   #3
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Defensive Handgun Training

I have taken 47 firearms related courses at this point. If you go into a singular course with the notion that the course in question will give you all you ever need to know about the defensive use of firearms, you’re being incredibly naive. There is an almost endless amount of material to cover and in many cases one particular skill can be a whole class in itself. This is made much more difficult by the fact that the people showing up to the courses can be at significantly different skill levels, even among “higher level” courses. I have spent a nontrivial amount of time trying to figure out what would be a good curriculum and how best to structure that curriculum, and in just about every iteration I find a way in which that iteration is deficient. I am not saying it’s an impossible task, but I am saying it’s next to impossible to arrive at a solution that will please most people.

As far as not needing sight alignment, in my experience like most things it depends. It depends on your skill level, distance to the aggressor, their level of movement, etc. People seem to want a “if I do this thing it is ideal in all cases” solution, and I don’t think that is feasible.
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