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Old March 26, 2024, 02:00 PM   #18
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 29,013
I cannot understand why many FFL holders will not ship to California.
I'd say its a combination of business sense and political statement.

From a business perspective, it costs money (time at the least) to keep current and keep track of everything CA prohibits or restricts, which seems to change weekly sometimes , and some folks have decided that not shipping anything to CA is better for them.

And, the other side of that coin is simple risk avoidance. Send even one small part into CA that violates their byzantine complex of laws and you might face legal and possibly even criminal charges. Even if you are not guilty (or even if at some point the charges are dropped) the cost of defending your business could be ruinous for a small shop.

It could also be a political statement. It is regrettable that FFLs refusing to risk breaking CA law by not shipping to CA upset the good people of CA, but THAT IS THE POINT.

CA gun owners have a right to be upset, and even angry but they are considered pawns by those in power, and nobody cares much what a pawn thinks.

BUT, pawns, working together skillfully can have a huge impact on the game, and if you can get one to the other side of the board, it can become a powerful piece, even a Queen, and that can change the game completely.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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