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Old April 5, 2024, 08:19 AM   #20
Senior Member
Join Date: December 8, 2015
Posts: 219
CIP shows the 375 Weatherby freebore as about 0.36 inches. Using that much bullet jump in GRT (which has this feature while QL does not) drops the pressure of the 90-grain load from roughly 74,000 psi to 66,000 psi. Add to that a slightly large chamber, and the OP's loads could score the 63,800 psi (4400 bar) limit the CIP has for its average peak pressure. So, it's possible this is still good to go, though pushing powder charge and pressures will always erode throats and hasten the end of barrel life.
Thank you

What kind of velocities does it show for a 24" barrel with each of those pressure scenarios?
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