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Old April 13, 2024, 01:40 AM   #49
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 29,017
. 44 has no range the 223 has no knock down.
That's a pretty extreme opinion, and I have to disagree.

Especially the "no range" part for the .44.

Is 200yds "no range" in your opinion? I can ring the 200yd rifle gong with a .44 pistol, off hand, one handed, unsupported, and do it repeatedly. From a rest, I'm better, of course. The limiting factor is not the gun, or the round, it is the shooter. The fact that few people practice enough to learn how to make good hits at longer ranges with a .44 Magnum )or any other "pistol" round is not the fault of the gun, or the round.

As a caveat, all the .223 kills were done with mono metal bullets and they punch above their pay grade.
have any idea what those bullets expanded to?? were any even still in the deer??

A .22 slug would have to double in diameter to be what the .44 starts out as, and I have never heard of any expanding to more than around .30ish and staying together.

The smaller the caliber, the more surgically precise bullet placement is needed for a humane kill on big game. This is the responsibility of the person pulling the trigger, no one else.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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