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Old April 20, 2024, 09:49 AM   #83
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Join Date: November 12, 2012
Location: Lometa, Texas
Posts: 353
Why try to put FFL’s in the hands of millions of people who never intended to be a dealer?
Don't really think that was the intent of this new rule at all. Nor was it to catch those who should have an FFL but don't, there are already laws on the books for that. It damn sure has nothing to do with lowering the crime rate in our inner city hell holes where the majority of the crime and criminals are.

So what is the intent? Hard to say, I do know that there are some pretty smart people who post on this forum, people who know guns and who know gun matters, and they can not come to a consensus as to what the ATF intent is here. I would even venture as far as to say the ATF really could not give you an answer either. I can tell you this is example # 1,895,367 as to how our government agencies are way too bloated, have too much influence over we the people, and got their marching orders from a room full of monkeys. But do realize, this new rule was written this vague for a reason.

Last edited by s3779m; April 20, 2024 at 09:55 AM.
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