Thread: Guns and Lead
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Old April 29, 2024, 08:08 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by 5Whiskey
I reload and I cast lead projectiles. I am concerned about lead exposure from aspects of those activities, for both me and my kids.
When mine were small, that was my concern. I had dedicated range shoes that didn't come into the house.

I would take lead dust in a home with a small child with a growing and developing brain seriously. On the other hand the Army Corps cleaning up the part of lake Erie over which trap shooters pointed for decades. They dredged it so we could be safe from all those little lead pellets. If you know anything about lake Erie, you know that after more than a century of intense industrial activity, taking the pellets off the bottom leaves it far from safe.

Originally Posted by Aguila Blanca
I believe the primary culprit was the sweeping of the floor on competition night.
Most of the reasons I avoid indoor ranges are hedonic, but when I lived in the city, I did use them. Not inhaling some lead in that environment would be a neat trick, but pushing a broom through the dust sounds like a perfect storm.

A couple of the older guys at a range I used decades ago had high lead levels, and they were reloaders. Their docs thought it was the brass. Apparently lots of machined metals, brass included have significant lead content. The idea was that if you handle tons of it over time minute amounts accumulate.
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