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Old December 10, 2001, 09:01 PM   #14
Senior Member
Join Date: July 7, 1999
Posts: 966
Well it hasn't saved my a** in a gun fight, but it did save me in my quals.
I used this crappy fiochi ammo, and had to clear jams every couple of rounds in a timed exercise. If not for my laser site, I would never have passed. 90 percent in points is what is required to pass.

As for negitives, the ones that work cost almost as much as the guns. The 99 dollar cheap ones are throw aways. I wouldn't even bother to buy one unless it was for an air gun. I had to buy 2 and get 2 replacements to learn my mistake. They never held zero between shots. The point of aim would always change between shots. And eventually the pressure switch wiring died.
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