Thread: Grip video.
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Old March 5, 2007, 06:05 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Lurper
Your body and mind perform at their peak when you are relaxed. Ask a boxer or martial artist what happens when they tense up in the ring. So, the key in performance (in this case shooting) is to do it the way your body was designed to. Your body can't be relaxed if you are "crushing" the gun. Also, your grip cannot be neutral. If your grip/stance is not neutral, you will exert undue influence on the gun and won't be able to drive it.
I was taught the same principle of staying relaxed by my baseball trainer in high school, he worked with Ted Williams (one of the greatest hitters in MLB history). The trick is to be relaxed, relaxed muscles react faster. So he taught me the same thing as what martial artists and boxers do, get the "spaghetti string" arms, loosen the grip on the bat just enough it won't fly out your hands, and keep the index fingers and thumbs loose and barely touching the grip. Just about all the gripping action came from the last three fingers on each hand. I found the same type of gripping action works equally as well with firearms. My accuracy went to crud soon's my upper arms and chest tensed up and I put the death grip on with my left hand.
BTW, would you mind if we posted it (with source information of course) on other forums? I can think of at least one other place where a lot of people would truly appreciate watching your videos.
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