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Old February 15, 2009, 01:08 PM   #53
Glenn E. Meyer
Senior Member
Join Date: November 17, 2000
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If used responsibly, I've seen no evidence that they represent any greater threat to public safety than other firearms, and those who wish to use them irresponsibly or illegally can still obtain or fabricate them relatively easily. Because of this, I believe that the current restriction of fully-automatic weapons, for the most part, only effects responsible gun owners who are already law-abiding citizens.
It is the irresponsible use that is the decision point. To play Devil's advocate - is it really the case that the rampage shooter can easily make or obtain them? We have had a few dozen rampages without FA weapons. Would not Cho or the NIU shooter, for instance, who were fascinated by weapons and got them through normal and easy channels, not have bought fully auto guns if available with the same ease. You could just as easily argue that you don't seem them used but those to whom they would be attractive because of the restrictions.

That we don't see them used much in crime speaks to the difficulty of getting them by the irresponsible.

Sorry, to sound like a negative here - but if you want to make a case - you need to be able to deal with such propositions.

And to Ken - not reading the Daily Kos - watching my pension plan crash. As my grandmother said: "After the revolution, we will all eat strawberries!"

Nice old Russian lady - I have a jewelry box from her, covered with a piece of the Czar's carpet. Guess what happened to him.
NRA, TSRA, IDPA, NTI, Polite Soc. - Aux Armes, Citoyens
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