Thread: Tueller drill
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Old February 19, 1999, 04:50 PM   #8
Jim March
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One more thing: this all goes right back to why I love having a little "front pocket surprise" mousegun. If I get generally bad vibes I can stand around with hands in pocket without "causing escalation where none might have existed". If I *really* get the chills, you'd never spot me slipping "Baby" the .22Mag minirevolver clean out of it's leather pocket holster and going all the way to "full grip, thumb on hammer, finger straight" - and from there my "time to fire" is REAL fast.

A lot faster than somebody good with an IWB 1911 in condition 1.

Picking your "front pocket surprise mousegun" is if anything MORE important than picking your "true fighting handgun" because you'll have the shrimp more often, you'll be able to do these "prepped draws" if you get bad vibes, and you've got the "reach for the wallet" gag available for a close-range mugger.

The NAA Guardian is a GREAT choice for the role but I like my minirevolvers, I'm used to 'em, etc.

Jim March
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