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Old December 24, 2005, 12:00 AM   #27
Join Date: December 21, 2005
Posts: 17
As someone shipping out for Army Basic in late April or early May and with the intention of a career in law enforcement here is my humble take on this.

The officer told the man to stop around 15 to 20 times but the man refused.
The man returned to his car and began 'working' with a firearm.
The man brandished the weapon for a period of time.
The man points the gun at the officer.
The officer fires and misses.

To me the officer should have restrained the suspect with OC or a taser (neither of which he probably had judging from the aged look in the video). But mostly I'm flabbergasted that the officer after clearly training his weapon in on the suspect misses with his pre-emptive shot and subsequent follow up shots. If a person is unwilling to kill in self defense they don't have business being a patrol officer. If he had time to zero in and take the first shot without being fired at there is no reason he should not have hit the man in the chest (that is being kind, from what appeared to be about 40 feet with an armrest on the car door he should have been able to hit the head). This comes back to patrol officers being undertrained in their firearms, a common problem I have read about in many places. It should be mandatory for officers to have weekly range visits and twice yearly firearms accuracy testing. My silly .02$
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