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Old April 27, 2024, 03:34 PM   #190
Join Date: February 12, 2001
Location: DFW Area
Posts: 25,058
The background check information doesn't include the serial number of the gun in question.
Why would they intentionally sabotage their own efforts?
They didn't. The sabotage is intentional, but it's on the part of Congress to prevent them from creating a registry.
Originally Posted by The Verminator
If I sold the gun through a dealer that transaction would require the next buyer to identify himself and give the info for a background check.
What you are missing is that:

1. They probably don't have any record of that transaction unless the dealer has gone out of business.
2. Even if they have the record, they don't have the means to determine that dealer would have ever had possession of that gun because they are not allowed to compile the records into a searchable database.

That means, if they find a gun they start tracing it from the dealer end. At some point, if the records are complete, that trace will lead them to your doorstep. At that point, you can send them to the dealer that helped you sell the gun, but they won't know to go to the dealer until they talk to you.
I have a lot of trouble believing that their system could be so useless and poorly designed.
It's intentionally restricted by law to prevent the BATF in specific (and the government in general) from creating a registry using 4473 information.
Do you know about the TEXAS State Rifle Association?
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