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Old December 18, 2007, 02:24 AM   #23
Senior Member
Join Date: October 4, 2007
Location: Michigan
Posts: 262
My Letter goes like this:

Dear Sir:

I was saddened to read about the story where a 10 year old girl was arrested for bringing a steak knife with her school lunch.

Have we become so paranoid in this society where common sense has completely gone out the window? All reports indicate this girl did not brandish the knife to anyone or present it in a threatening manner. She was just trying to eat. Surely the parents should be notified and some discipline should be made, but arresting a 10 year old for eating lunch? This is clearly a case of overreaction.

These so called "zero tolerance" policies have removed all logic and common sense over what was clearly an innocent mistake by a child. Shame on you and your administration for instituting draconian policies where a child's innocent mistake is made into a criminal matter. I just hope your young children never make any mistakes and wind up in custody!
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