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Old June 22, 1999, 12:08 PM   #11
Don Morgan
Join Date: June 2, 1999
Posts: 43
Yeah, I trust the police to protect me too. Let's see now Home Envasion as my front door is being knocked down, which will I choose 911 or my 45 ACP. The police may be good but they are not that good to be there prior to the assault happening to you and your family. I respect your ideals and your choice of not owning a defense firearm, but I would highly suggest not to put all your trust into the police department, for it will take time for them to arrive. Most robbies are over in a manner of minutes and you and your family could be severely injured and God-Forbid killed in the process. If there were a break-in to my home I would dial 911, inform the Perp I have done so and ask him to vacate my home. I would also inform him I was armed and trained to use the firearm and I would not hesititate to do so in protecting my family and myself. I pray to God that this day will never come, but if it does I pray to God to give the strength and knowledge in making the right decisions at the time.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed

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