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Old March 14, 2008, 06:30 PM   #22
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Join Date: February 22, 2008
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When the gun causes your hand to hurt and to not function properly after seven days,that's nerve damage.

My heart goes out to you because I had a motorcycle accident where I went over the handlebars like one of those spinning monkeys and got the tops of both hands trapped by the mirror supports before I was able to release my grip on the bars.

The result is hand pain that I still get twenty years later depending on weather,temperature and how hard I work at my job.

When you're having trouble releasing tops from bottles and you never did before,it's time for better grips,porting or a different pistol.

You saved me from buying one of these.

I can buy a heavier(stainless/blue steel) revolver and be comfortable with the knowledge that the extra weight not only saves me money but makes the snub easier to shoot.

Thank you for your complete report on this revolver.
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