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Old March 14, 2007, 03:13 PM   #14
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Where did you read this? Every study I have read shows the number to be 8-10% of the population.
It ranges. Depends on the study, methods of data collection, and criteria used. Goes as low as 1%, as high as 10%. Also gets interesting when you talking about homo/hetero compared to bisexuality, and the differences between rates in men and women.

But really, he's right...any way you slice it's we're talking single-digit percentages.

@OBIWAN: Out of curiosity, what percentage of the population owns "assault weapons?" Higher than homosexuals, probably...but I'm curious. I've not found any decent numbers, but everything I've found suggests it's less than 20%. Correct me if you have better data.

So what percentage do you have to be before you're a minority that "counts?" Cause the way I'm looking at it, "assault weapon" owners are just a vocal minority trying to push their views on the rest of the nation. And before you even think to mention the 2A, remember: you are only allowed those assault weapons under a very broad interpretation of that amendment. Which is what gays are asking for other portions of the Constitution. Hypocrisy FTW.

Also, some people don't seem to realize the difference between laws "favoring" somebody and laws granting them equal rights. Has somebody mentioned affirmative action for gays yet? I suppose that must be the slippery slope mentioned in the other thread.
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