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Old November 11, 2002, 06:13 PM   #140
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Join Date: November 4, 2001
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The government in its current state has not exhibited to me that it can make anything near the right decisions.
Ronin, the post of yours this is from is outrageous!

Let me just say that we are a republic, not a democracy, and you are not entitled to be privy to why the government makes the decisions it does. Those elected representatives and officers in our government are, and we elected them. If we don't like what they decide, we have the continuous ability to dissent and the bi-annual and quadi-annual ability to toss them out. We do not ever have the ability to disobey the laws enacted with our constructive assent.

Our government kept us out of Europe's periodic self destructive wars until 1917, and then the 77 year long 20th Century War got serious with the spectre of a viable scheme of enslavement by the Soviets. All in all, the U.S. has been very smart in keeping its citizens safe during an extremely tenuous century. Was it all due to one or a few people? No way. There's an almost mystical continuity to the skill of the U.S. in keeping its citizens safe. We lost 53,000 of 8,000,000 battlefield deaths in WWI, and our total in WWII was 292,000/13,000,000 followed by about 36,000 in Korea, 46,000 in Vietnam, and about 150 in the Gulf War. Of way over 22 million battlefield deaths during those wars, the U.S. suffered about 427,000 of them.

I say kudos to our government in keeping our skinny butts safe and able to throw rocks and whine about our "untrustworthy" government.

Don't get me wrong, I love carping about the government, but WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE! It's "government of the People, by the People, and for the People," remember? The government is US, WE are the U.S. Government, not some psycho megalomaniac or cadre of them.

</RANT> and I know you meant no offense, but the flags are fluttering proudly today, and I love it!
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