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Old May 7, 2006, 11:17 AM   #25
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Join Date: January 17, 2002
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Well, I think there's at least some merit on both sides of the debate.

I have a 20", extended mag Mossberg, with a PG/folding stock combo. Folded its much more maneuverable and handy to store. I've practiced (alot)shooting from the hip, and get most of the shot "on target" at 40-50 ft. (Max distance in my house). Center of pattern may be off some, but by then the shot has spread out enough so there's still a pretty high percentage of hits.

But, unfolding the stock, for aimed fire is much better, if I can.

So, with the stock folded, its OK to check out things that go bump in the night, where I might be surprised, and have to get a shot off quick, but this is unlikely in my situation (If they're in the house they've gotten past 4 German Shepherds, 3 of which would have a bad attitude if anyone "intruded" on their territory. If I really expect I'd need to shoot, I'd unfold the stock first, like if I need to go outside and check the barn/property ('course one dog goes with me then, too).
"If you Listen to Fools, the Mob Rules"

"No one has the answer, but one thing is true.
You'e got to turn on evil, when its coming after you.
You've gotta face it down,and when it tries to hide,
you've got to go in after it, and never be denied.
Time is running out...Let's roll.
Let's roll for freedom, let's roll for love.
We're going after satan, on the wings of a dove.
Let's roll for freedom, let's roll for truth.
Let's not let our children grow up fearful in their youth."
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