Thread: "Tachypsychia"
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Old November 6, 2007, 11:06 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: May 20, 2006
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This term was brought up in another thread, and I wanted to continue with it but it really was tread drifting, sorry "Son Of Vlad Tepes ". So I brought it here.

"Tachypsychia" Thanks for putting a term on it, I always thought of it as crapping my pants. Seriously is there any way to combat Tachypsychia ???? Besides train train and train so more. Are there any particular drills to prepare oneself for Tachypsychia. I have gone as far as to run 2 miles, at a fairly fast pace enough to get my heart rate to 150. My hand shakes and aim is off but not to the point of missing the center mass.

I have heard of in a real life situation that one can tunnel vision on the opposing weapon to the point of shooting at the weapon rather than center mass! Tunnel vision, no auditory perceptions, loss of fine motor skills, profuse sweating and hand shakes. What can you do to combat these symptoms? The only answer I have heard so far is training, training and more training so that when you are in a real life situation and "Tachypsychia" starts to set in you naturally revert back to your training, hopefully. But are there any drills in particular that actually help with the "Tachypsychia". So guys with the military and or law enforcement I was hoping you would add here.
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