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Old February 11, 2009, 05:01 PM   #50
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Join Date: December 23, 2008
Location: Syracuse, NY
Posts: 393
Gun registration may exist in Wisconsin but it doesn't everywhere. Certain states allow you to walk in a store and leave with an unregistered gun that day. Guns that wind up on the streets are often impossible to trace to the original owner due to lack of registration. Drug dealers in Brooklyn often get guns from a cousin in Atlanta who makes the purchase for him. The cousin in Atlanta has nothing to worry about because it's not going to ever be tied back to him. This is a term called "straw purchasing." I'm totally against guns being registered as a means to be able to confiscate, but merely as a means to prevent straw purchases. If a gun used in a murder is traced by its serial number back to the original owner. That owner will then have to account for what happened to the gun. I understand guns are stolen, but if a guy reports 10 guns a year stolen, he's probably selling them. It's not like this thing doesn't happen. I know a lot of people are against registering guns and I don't think you're stupid or anything like that. I'd like to hear other points of view. Maybe there is another whole point that I haven't taken into account. If so, let me hear about it. I want to have the argument. You might even turn me around on the issue. Does anyone hear what I'm saying about the reasoning for gun registration? I'm not just saying it to get people riled up and I'm certainly not all about guns being taken away from good citizens.
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