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Old May 23, 2002, 03:06 PM   #7
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This would be a non-issue.
Actually, no.

The point is, that any little thing you do can be used to take away you right to own a firearm.

Can you honestly say you have never broken any law, anywhere?

What if you make 1 little slip-up, just a misdemeanor, that years later is suddenly declared to be a felony? All of a sudden, you are a convicted felon, and have no right to self-defense under the current legal system.

Many have been saying all along that we need no new gun laws, just start enforcing the ones on the books. Many of the gun-grabbers are now calling our bluff on this, deciding that they can use those laws to start disarming all those who have chosed to not be a victim.

I consider myself to be a law-abiding citizen of at least average intelligence, but I could never honestly say that I have never broken a law. I do believe that I can honestly say, though, that I do not know of any felonies I have committed. But who is to say that something I may have done a long time ago will not eventually be seen as a felony, through changes in the laws?

If you consider someone too dangerous to own a gun, how is it that they are not too dangerous to be walking about the streets freely? If someone makes a mistake, but learns from it and goes on to a productive, law-abiding life, why should that person not have the same right to defense of self and family that any of the rest of us see as an inherent right?

Wyldone, please don't think that I am criticizing you in any way with this reply, because your question is valid, and is one that has been asked by many others in many other places. The danger with having so many laws on the books, is that many have not thought them out to any "logical" conclusion.

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws". Ayn Rand, _Atlas Shrugged_
"That a free citizen should have to go before a committee, hat in hand, and pray for permission to bear arms - fantastic! Arm your daughter, sir, and pay no attention to petty bureaucrats." Robert Heinlein - Red Planet
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