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Old June 21, 2001, 04:14 PM   #21
John Lawson
Senior Member
Join Date: August 28, 1999
Posts: 281
Are you gents aware that Mike Harries has been dead for several months now?
Attaching a flashlight to a handgun, either by clamping or by merely holding it next to the piece violates a basic law of firearms handling: NEVER POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING YOU AREN'T GOING TO SHOOT IMMEDIATELY. If I strolled onto a scene completely innocent and one of lyou pointed a light and a gun at me, I'd send you directly to Valhalla on the backs of the K9 unit. And, yes, I can make that kind of a shot. I've been a Police Firearms Instructor since 1954, was a member of IALEFFI and still teach and hold range sessions.
You point a gun mounted light, you have initiated a gun fight. Period. No excuses accepted. You have broken the law (in this state, at least.) You DESERVE to be shot.
When I first learned to use a light and a pistol, it was in the Army.
We held the Boy Scout lamp off to the left and low or off to the left and as high as we could reach. (Yes, I have seen the videos of cons learning this technique in prison.)
All of you who have practiced weak hand firing can pass the light to the strong hand and the pistol to the weak hand when you emerge from cover to further disorient your opponent.
The moment you become predictable, you are finished.
I personally know a number of people on the other side of the law. If they have no wants or warrants, I cannot refuse them service. I know some who have attended classes given by the best instructors in the country. They have better guns than we can afford. They buy ammo by the case. They practice at every opporltunity. If you make the stupid mistake of underestimating one of them, you are immediate history. If you pointed a gun/flashlight combo at them and they kill you, they will walk and you will make it to the embalmer's table.
One of the new Surefire lights has the effect to temporarily blinding an opponent and not spilling light that will give away your true position. Mike Harries was working with his favorite model at the time of his death, and he was radically changing the tactics that went with it. So, don't revert to ancient history; look forward and devise your own strategy based on the new genre of intense lights.
"Politicians are bilgewater in the ship of state."
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