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Old May 18, 2009, 10:03 PM   #9
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Doc; to answer your question; the answer is: "It depends". It depends on the state and local agencies on whether they require their officers to carry at all times. In the town I live in, the officers; including state patrol; are expectedto carry at all times unless they are out of area (Which can mean even 1 town away) on vacation. But if they are "Subject to Call", then they are expected to carry 24/7. Again; each agency is different.

Now, to the MORE IMPORTANT question that I HAVE. Can you tell me 1 person on your or other college campus, that had a LEGAL CONCEALED CARRY WEAPONS permit and went on a shooting spree? I'm not talking about someone who had a legal firearm. I'm talking about someone who had a legal CCW permit. I can not for the life of me understand where you see problems with students who are LICENSED to carry a concealed weapon; being on the campus. The unfortunate situation in Virginia months ago had absolutely NOTHING to do with any students having a concealed weapon permit. And while hind site really sucks; it's almost 100% guarantee than if some student had been legally carrying a concealed weapon, that maybe the situation would have turned out a lot better. It almost definitely couldn't have turned out any worse.

Bottom line is that I; having served 21 years in the military; and something you should understand and appreciate; do not like being punished for something I MIGHT DO!!! I also don't like being punished for something someone else did. In other words, punish those who break the law. Don't punish those because they MIGHT. Our country assumes innocence until proven guilty. If you can show me where a set number of students who were LEGALLY carrying a concealed weapon, had inappropriately used that weapon in a crime of any kind; then you'd have my fullest support. But if you can't tell me when LEGALLY concealed weapon carrying students committed a crime while concealing a weapon, then you have absolutely no right to punishing students and taking away their rights simply because of what they MIGHT do. Especially when you have no way of taking similar appropriate actions on those who WILL ILLEGALLY carry a weapon on your campus anyway. If someone wants to come onto your campus with a gun and cause havoc, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

However; if your college started a "Shooting" club/class; that was taught by law enforcement agencies; along with other self defense classes such as Aikido, you would make major progress. The students would respect these classes. They would fill up faster than you could teach them. You could make them part of the "Criminal Justice" department; (Assuming your school has a Criminal Justice program). Over time, your school, it's students, and faculty would respect guns, gun owners, and carrying weapons. Crime would go down. Young ladies walking campus late at night would be safer just by the fact that a rapist wouldn't know if you was one of the students armed or not. Psycho students, even in their delusion, would analyze the numerous scenarios of armed students/faculty prior to one of their episodes. And those who take the class, successfully pass it, get a concealed weapons permit, etc...., and maybe are the highest ranking in the class; could be part of a campus citizen on patrol type of system.

There are so many options. But to close your eyes and bury your head in the sand is irresponsible. There isn't one thing that you or similar schools and faculty are promoting that would have eliminated the possibility of what happened in Virginia. However, there are so many possibilities that could have made it less deadly. And that includes a student body that knows how to protect themselves. In our society at one time, all men knew how to protect themselves. They also knew how to protect their families and their property. As time went on and we became more "Civilized"; most forgot hot to protect themselves. They believed that either the police would do it for them, (The supreme court has ruled that it is NOT THE POLICE's job to PROTECT the individual), or that our society has become compassionate enough that crime doesn't really exist. And instead, we like to blame guns, society, a person's family, etc... instead of holding the individual accountable. If your students knew how to protect themselves; and guns weren't demonized as evil; then your college and others wouldn't even have these problems. Best of luck to you.
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