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Old October 5, 2009, 01:13 PM   #11
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Fiddletown, you make a very good case for staying put. However, right or wrong, I am convinced that I can clear my house with a reasonable chance of staying safe. My house has some ambient light, there are ways for me to know what is in certain rooms, and my house is laid out in such a manner that, even while I'm clearing my home, there is no way for a BG to get passed me. Certain doors always remain shut and make enough noise to wake me up if someone moves them. I can tell which doors have moved by the sound and placement of them, so I can narrow down where someone might be in the event of a breakin.

Now, I have no intention of rushing into a room where I suspect a BG might be hiding....and I will stop the search for a period of time laying in wait. I have done this several times, fortunately no BG - just something else causing noises (usually peacocks). So, I do have an idea of what I can and cannot do in my own home. I suspect that anyone else who has gone through this drill does too.
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