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Old January 27, 2002, 11:05 AM   #53
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Glock ain't perfect

P99: Well they figured out the Glocks major shortcomings and did something about them. I say good for Walther.

Glock: Easy to obtain accessories. Really is easy to maintain and very reliable, more so in my view that HKs based on my experience. My HK 45's firing pin broke, twice, and HK .40c had to have slide and bbl replaced due to cracking.

But, I hate, hate, hate the Glock trigger. I put aside all my other pistols for 6 months to try to get used to the Glock trigger. Mine seems to get worse for wear. All I have to show for it is a lot of wasted ammo and bad tendinitis in my elbow now.

The Glock trigger in my g34, what can I say? Sometimes it breaks at 4 lbs, sometimes 4.5. Sometimes it breaks sort of cleanly with a straight pull. I measured the pull--there are 4 distinct pull tensions required in the stroke. Sometimes I apply the right amount of pressure and it just keeps moving and flexing stuff inside... it just feels like you're pushing in a thumbtack into hard particle board.

I'm going to pop for a trigger job. If that doesn't work, the vaunted Glock gets sold. At this point I am just wasting ammo trying to overcome the awful, crappy, sh**y trigger. Sort of like going fishing in a boat with a big hole in it. At some point you'd rather fish than bail and you just ask yourself, what is the point?

I'll just go back to my p7. First three rounds I shot out of it made a nice cloverleaf at 10 yards. Gaston, the trigger does make a difference. I wonder how many bad shootings have been experienced by cops because of the bad Glock trigger.
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